
class nvector.objects.ECEFvector(pvector, frame=None)[source][source]
Geographical position given as Cartesian position vector in frame E

pvector: 3 x n array

Cartesian position vector(s) [m] from E to B, decomposed in E.

frame: FrameE object

reference ellipsoid. The default ellipsoid model used is WGS84, but other ellipsoids/spheres might be specified.


The position of B (typically body) relative to E (typically Earth) is given into this function as p-vector, p_EB_E relative to the center of the frame.

__init__(pvector, frame=None)[source][source]


__init__(pvector[, frame])
change_frame(frame) Converts to Cartesian position vector in another frame
to_geo_point() Converts ECEF-vector to geo-point.
to_nvector() Converts ECEF-vector to n-vector.